Jain Namokar Mantra - All you need to know about

Namokar Mantra is the fundamental prayer on which resides the crux of Jainism. It is an absolutely elementary mantra, yet conveys profound power. Unlike other mantras that seek something in return for material attainment, Namokar Mantra does a basic thing which we all ought to do: offer salutations to those who are spiritually greater and purer than us, not because we want something; but to simply do so, because they are awesome than us, as of now.

Original Jain Namokar Mantra in Prakrit Language

णमो अरिहंताणं
णमो सिद्धाणं
णमो आयरियाणं
णमो उवज्झायाणं
णमो लोए सव्वसाहूणं
एसो पंच णमुक्कारो, सव्व पावपणासणो।
मंगलाणं च सव्वेसिं, पढमं हवइ मगलं॥

English Translation of Jain Namokar Mantra

Salutations to the Arihants, the Conquerors.
Salutations to the Siddhas, the Liberated ones.
Salutations to the Acharyas, the Preceptors.
Salutations to the Upadhyays, the Teachers.
Salutations to all the Sages of the world.
This five-fold salutation (mantra) completely destroys all the sins.
And, of all auspicious mantras, (it) is indeed the foremost auspicious one.

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English Transliteration of Jain Namokar Mantra

Namo Arihantaanam
Namo Siddhaanam
Namo Aayariyaanam
Namo Uvajjhaayanam
Namo Loye Savva Saahunam
Eso Panch Namukkaaro, Savva Paavapanaasano
Mangalaanam Cha Savvesim, Padhamam Havai Mangalam

Hindi Translation of Jain Namokar Mantra

अरिहंतों को नमन।
सिद्धों को नमन।
आचार्यों को नमन।
उपाध्यायों को नमन।
लोक के सर्व साधुओं को नमन।
ये पाँच नमन के उच्चार, सभी पापो का पूरा नाश करते हैं।
और, सभी मंगलों में, यह बिलकुल प्रथम मंगल हैं।

How To Recite Mantra Efficiently?

Usually, a layman has the complaint of not being able to concentrate while reciting mantra. And, how will he able to focus, unless he has the complete knowledge of reciting the mantra! By concentrating the consciousness on the colors and places associated with this great mantra (maha-mantra), the attentiveness won't be disrupted.

Mantra Color Center
Namo Arihantaanam White Gyaan (Knowledge)
Namo Siddhaanam Red Darshan (Philosophy)
Namo Aayariyaanam Yellow Purification
Namo Uvajjhaayanam Green Happiness
Namo Loye Savva Saahunam Blue Power

Breathing Techniques For Reciting Mantra

Also, one can ensure better concentration by reciting the mantra through proper breathing technique. Along with the colors associated with recitation of Namokar mantra, three techniques have been suggested as to when to inhale or exhale:
  1. First Technique
  2. Mantra Breathing Style
    Namo Arihantaanam While Inhaling
    Namo Siddhaanam While Exhaling
    Namo Aayariyaanam Again, While Inhaling
    Namo Uvajjhaayanam While Exhaling
    Namo Loye Again, While Inhaling
    Savva Saahunam While Exhaling
  3. Second Technique
  4. In one breath itself, all the lines of the mantra can be recited.
  5. Third Technique
  6. In first breath, we can recite first line of the mantra; in second breath, we can recite the second line, and so on and so forth.

Benefits of Namokar Mantra

Namokar Mantra is an exclusive mantra of the Jain philosophy. Owing to this auspicious mantra, millions have been benefited. With benevolent thoughts, this mantra makes the complex ways of the world simplified and propitious. This mantra, with it, has the sadhana of infinite sages. With its regular recitation, peace arises in the mind of the seeker and the concealed energy of one's being, gets manifested.

Bhala Ho (Stay blessed)

© by Manas Madrecha

Every Letter Is Mantra - Jain Perspective

Mantra gets a prominent place of prestige in Jain philosophy. There are thousands of mantra, hymn and other prayers that are recited in day-to-day life. However, what is a mantra, and that too from Jain perspective, we have already seen earlier. When it comes to creating a list of known mantra in Jainism, it would be a highly voluminous. But, before doing that, it is essential to know that mantra are formed by vocables. And as per Jainism, every letter is mantra. Here, I have listed down a couple of letters and their significance that they enjoy in a particular mantra. (Note that this is not an exhaustive list)

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अर्हम - ज्ञानबीज हैं  - Associated with Knowledge
ॐ - तेजोबीज हैं - Associated with Luster
इ - पुष्टि बीज हैं - Associated with Health
उ - बलदायक हैं - Associated with Strength
ऋ - स्तम्भन बीज हैं - Associated with Support and Erection
लृ - विद्वेषण बीज हैं - Associated with Separation
ए - वशीकरण बीज हैं - Associated with Hypnosis 
ऐं - वाग्बीज और सत्वबीज हैं - Associated with Speech and Substance
अः - मृत्युनाशक बीज हैं - Destroyer of Death
क - विष बीज हैं  - Associated with Poison
घ - मारण बीज हैं - Associated with Violence
च - चन्द्र बीज हैं  - Associated with Moon
ट - क्षोभण बीज हैं  - Associated with Agitation
ठ - घात बीज हैं - Associated with Ambush
ढ - कुबेर बीज हैं - Associated with Money
ण - असुर बीज हैं - Associated with Demon
त - अष्ट बीज हैं - Associated with Eight (most probably, sage Patanjali's eight-fold path to salvation or deity Lakshmi's eight names)
थ - यम बीज हैं और मृत्यु भय का नाश करता हैं - Associated with Yama (death deity) and destroys fear of death
ध - सूर्य बीज हैं और यश तथा संतोष देता हैं - Associated with Sun and gives fame & contentment
न - ज्वर बीज हैं जो सभी ज्वरों को नाश करता हैं - Associated with Fever and destroys all sorts of fever
प - वीरभद्र या जलबीज हैं जो सभी विघ्नों का नाश करता हैं  - Associated with the deity Veerbhadra or Water, and destroys all the disruptions
ब - ब्रह्म बीज हैं जो वात, पित्त, तथा श्लेष्म नाशक हैं - Associated with the all-pervading spirit and destroys imbalances relating to air, bile and mucus
म - अग्नि, रूद्र और माला बीज हैं- Associated with Fire, sage Shiva and Garland
य - वायुबीज हैं - Associated with Air
र - अग्नि बीज हैं - Associated with Fire
ल - इंद्र या तंत्र बीज हैं - Associated with Indra (king of deities) or tantra
व - वरु बीज हैं - Associated with Neptune
श - लक्ष्मी बीज हैं - Associated with Wealth (or wealth deity Lakshmi)
ष - सूर्य बीज हैं - Associated with Sun
ह - गगन बीज हैं - Associated with Sky
स - वाग्बीज हैं - Associated with Speech
क्ष - पृथ्वी बीज हैं - Associated with Earth
श्लीं - सोम बीज हैं - Associated with Moon
हंस - विशापहारी बीज हैं - Abductor of Poison
नमः - शोधन बीज हैं - Associated with Purification
स्वाहा - शांति बीज और होम बीज हैं - Associated with Peace and Oblation
हसौं - महाशक्ति बीज हैं - Associated with Great Power
वौषट् - आह्वान बीज हैं - Associated with Beckoning
फट् - विसर्जन और चलन बीज हैं - Associated with Immersion and Current affairs
वशट् - दहन बीज हैं - Associated with Burning
क्रों - अंकुश तथा निरोध बीज हैं - Associated with Control and Conception
ह्रीं - माया बीज तथा त्रैलोक्य बीज हैं - Associated with Illusion and Three Worlds (Earthly realm, heavenly realm, and realm of hell)

Bhala Ho (Stay blessed)

© by Manas Madrecha

What is Mantra? - Jain perspective

In Jainism, 14 Poorvas (Parts of Scriptures) are believed to be in existence. The name of the first Poorva is Utpaad, that has around 10 million clauses. The name of the last Poorva of Jainism is Lokbindusaar, that is filled with around 12.5 million clauses. These 14 Poorvas encompass complete knowledge pertaining to varied topics. In it, the name of the 10th Poorva is Vidyanupravaad, in which there are 1.1 million clauses. In these millions of clauses, lies the descriptive and comprehensive knowledge of mantra (मंत्र), tantra (तंत्र), hymn  (स्तोत्र), yoga, medicine, miraculous lores,  how to accomplish tasks, how to become invisible, mantra of tirthankar, ways to please deities & yaksha, how to transform form, how to make a mantra, etc.

As per Jain philosophy, shabd (vocable) is pudgal, that is, it keeps changing its form; as soon as it gets uttered from the mouth, it reverberates around the universe. There lies infinite power in these vocables. In Sanskrit grammar, vocables are bifurcated to two categories: Swar (vowel) and Vyanjan (consonant). A (अ),  Aa (आ), E (इ), Ee (ई) and so on are the 16 vowels, and Ka (क), Kha (ख), Ga (ग), Gha (घ) and so are the 33 consonants. All these vocables are mantra in themselves individually, for in them lies the unique phenomenal power. The vocables have a color, gender, nakshatra (constellation), rashi (zodiac) and celestial body associated with them.
To make a mantra is to endow it with a distinctive power by constituting the vocables attached with varied powers.
Assembly of vocables is mantra. Such a mantra, when uttered again and again, gives birth to astounding power.

Mantra has many definitions in the scriptures.
मननात् त्रायते इति मंत्रः (Mananaat traayate iti mantrah) - From whose thought, one is protected, is mantra.
According to the ascetic Abhaydev Suri, मंत्रो देवताध‍‍‍‌िष्ठितो साक्षर रचना विशेष (Mantro devtaadhishtto saakshar rachna vishesh) - The composition of specific letters established by deity, is mantra.
गुप्तोपदेशो मंत्रः (Guptopadeshto mantrah) - The secret advice from preceptor, is mantra.
Some kind of wave comes from the sound of the spoken vocable, that flows in the atmosphere. These reverberated waves circumnavigates the entire world, or even casts a vibration throughout the universe, irrespective of the magnitude. The deities are attracted towards these vocables only. Wherever the deity maybe, be it in any realm of universe or in any galaxy or any sphere, immaterial of the distance from you physically, the waves of the mantra associated with that deity do reach. And as a result of the attraction, either the deities themselves have to visit or perform the task intended for which the mantra is being uttered. Where no one reaches, the waves of the vocables reach.

With the assistance of these waves or vibrations, someone can be killed or even saved. Someone can be made hale & hearty or even sick. From these vocables only, that is, from the power of mantra, occurs the process of shedding of karmic bondage, with ultimate goal being salvation.

Bhala Ho (Stay blessed)

© by Manas Madrecha


If we span internet, we may find thousands of websites on Jainism, one of the oldest philosophy in existence. They might provide you with the fundamentals and an overview, but this blog on Jainism is going to be the collection of
  • Jain mantra, 
  • Jain stories, 
  • Jain anecdotes, 
  • Advices (though, I don't claim to be an expert), 
  • Excerpts of ancient scriptures and translations (through my limited knowledge of Sanskrit and Prakrit languages)...
This blog is solely dedicated for the purpose of assimilating all the available knowledge of this philosophy, as much as possible. I also blog on the website: SIMPLIFYING UNIVERSE, whose description is:
A blog by MANAS MADRECHA | Staying Happy | Being Inspired | Motivational Poems | Knowing Love | Relishing Teenage | Breaking Stereotypes | Transpiring Politics | Comprehending Religion | Understanding Spirituality | Rediscovering Life...
So, my dear seekers, stay connected... ❤
Bhala  Ho (Stay Blessed)