
If we span internet, we may find thousands of websites on Jainism, one of the oldest philosophy in existence. They might provide you with the fundamentals and an overview, but this blog on Jainism is going to be the collection of
  • Jain mantra, 
  • Jain stories, 
  • Jain anecdotes, 
  • Advices (though, I don't claim to be an expert), 
  • Excerpts of ancient scriptures and translations (through my limited knowledge of Sanskrit and Prakrit languages)...
This blog is solely dedicated for the purpose of assimilating all the available knowledge of this philosophy, as much as possible. I also blog on the website: SIMPLIFYING UNIVERSE, whose description is:
A blog by MANAS MADRECHA | Staying Happy | Being Inspired | Motivational Poems | Knowing Love | Relishing Teenage | Breaking Stereotypes | Transpiring Politics | Comprehending Religion | Understanding Spirituality | Rediscovering Life...
So, my dear seekers, stay connected... ❤
Bhala  Ho (Stay Blessed)


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